
Internet Marketing Tips - The Best Way To Use Traffic Exchanges

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Traffic exchanges are one of the most misunderstood forms of advertising on the Internet. Because of this, very few people really know how to use them, which is sad because used effectively, they can bring in a ton of sales because of the number of people who do use them. This article is going to show you the best way to use these monsters so that you get the most bang out of your surfing experience.

The first thing you need to understand about traffic exchanges is that the people who use them are looking for one thing and one thing only...traffic to their page. They are surfing, NOT to view YOUR opportunity but simply to build up credits to their site. So if you go there with the intention of showing these people are 40 page sales letter, don't bother. You have about 30 seconds of their time and then they are gone.

So how do you keep their attention? Well, for starters, most traffic exchanges have surf bars which take up a bit of the screen as it is, so your web page only gets so much visibility because of this. So you want the page that you show your visitors to be very more than one page long. In other words, they should be able to read the whole page without scrolling or paging down one inch.

How do you do this? By making a splash page giving away a free report. What kind of report? You want to concentrate on something that the people at the exchanges are going to be interested in. What are they interested in? They are interested in getting traffic to their site using traffic exchanges. Are the lights coming on? By offering them this report, that you will put together and require them to opt in to get, they will now be on your mailing list. You can then follow up with relevant information that will further help them in their quest for traffic.

Eventually, if you give them enough quality content, they may actually come around and purchase one of your products. The more content you give away for free, the more they are going to think that what you are actually charging for must be pretty darn good.

Those who use traffic exchanges in this manner usually find that they have quite a bit of success with them.

You should as well.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

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